Good idea that Michael Jackson's Kids will stop homeschooling

 It has recently been announced that Micheal Jackson's oldest two children will no longer be homeschooling.  ... and I think it is probably a good idea. If you think this is a strange thing for a homeschooler to say, consider the facts.

They were homeschooled due to the fact that their father was one of the most famous human beings in the world.  He was afraid that others would use his kids to get through to him, or that their friends would likely be false friends.  Since his death, their situation has changed dramatically.  While they are still wealthy, they are much less of a target.

To homeschool a child, you must truly understand homeschooling and be dedicated to the home education of the child.  The Jackson family only continued to homeschool the Jackson children in order to keep a sense of familiarity... not because they feel
homeschooling is an adequate means of education.  Without the proper support at home, homeschooling is sure to be less effective if not a failure altogether.

So, while I resent the fact that Prince and Paris Jackson's exit from homeschooling is being reported in a way that makes homeschooling seem inferior, moving the kids to an exclusive private school is probably the best choice for them, as the family is not equipped or interested in putting the same effort into the education of the children as their deceased father did.

I do have to give them credit though for keeping blanket home a while longer until he is more equipped to enter a mainstream school.


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12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...